About Me

for fun..hahax

05 April, 2011

Part 1: Welcome to the world

the moment each of my daughters came into this world, I made a promise to them, to myself, and to God that I would do everything in my power to protect my daughters and make their lives good. this is what almost all parents want for their children: a lifetime of happiness and an easy passage.

and then my child, your mother, told me that she was pregnant. she looked so happy and beautiful. all I could think was, "another chance for joy!"

you are the product of the great love that two wounded souls have found. I love you every moment of every day. and I love you for the joy you have brought to my daughter.

so your job is simply this: trust your instincts, remember your secret pact, and reclaim the wisdom you have always had.

but I believe there's another part of my job with you. I also have to make sure you never, ever forget what you knew at the age of six months. you knew to climb up on my lap.

I want you to know that being different is not a problem. it's just being different. but feeling different is a problem. when you feel different, the feeling can actually change the way you see the world.

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