About Me

for fun..hahax

06 April, 2011

Part 3: You and me

sometimes situations call for us to act strong and brave even when we can't feel that way. but those are few and far between. more often, the payoff is better if you don't pretend you feel strong when you feel weak or pretend that you are brave when you're scared.

with my spinal cord injury and your autism, we look different and act different. but we can also teach people, that no matter what happens to our bodies or our minds, our souls remain whole.

when things don't go the way you want them to, you rage and you cry. and then you move on. will your frustration stay this intense for the rest of your life? it's my wish that, as you grow, the process will go more quickly and you can find peace without so much suffering.

I know it is human nature to fight for personal justice. and I hope you can turn your anger into the energy to fight for justice for others. if you can, then maybe by the time you have a precious grandchild, he or she will grow up in a more compassionate world.

when you are hurt, be close to people who love you and who can tolerate your pain without passing judgement or giving you adviece. as time passes, you will long less for what you had yesterday and experience more of what you have today.

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